It's Catchy, It's Funny, It's Memorable, It's Reality, It's Simple To Read, It's True and Most Of All, It's Helpful. "How To Soar Like An Eagle In A World Full Of Turkeys" is a wonderful self-improvement guide with a hilarious twist... 86 examples of people being TURKEYS. Everyone can relate to the book because we all have to deal with TURKEYS every day; in the grocery store, doctors' office, on the highway, in politics, you name it and a Turkey will appear...It's REALITY. We have all encountered those arrogant, over-bearing, demanding, rude, obnoxious ... customers, bosses, associates, relatives ... the real TURKEYS! As a practical guide for personal and professional improvement this book is an excellent tool to help you learn how to deal them - covering subjects like handling stress, accepting change, appreciating criticism, attitude, mentors, health, communication, friends, leadership, truth, enthusiasm, achievement, recognition, the power of laughter, egos, salesmanship, and principles for a well-balanced life.